Thursday, January 20, 2011 ~ 0 Comments


Answer each question below related to mitosis, by selecting the most appropriate answer from the choices given.

1. During which stage of mitosis is the nuclear membrane broken into fragments?
Ο Early Prophase
Ο Metaphase
Ο Anaphase
Ο Late Prophase
Early Prophase
During the early prophase, the nuclear membrane is broken into fragments.

2. Equatorial plate of the mitotic spindle is formed during the _______.
Ο metaphase
Ο anaphase
Ο late prophase
Ο early prophase
During the metaphase, the spindle apparatus becomes well-defined and the chromosomes get arranged at the equatorial plate.

3. Mitotic cell division is initiated in the _______.
Ο centriole
Ο centromere
Ο nucleus
Ο mitotic spindle
Prophase is the first phase of mitosis. It begins with the division of the centriole.

4. During which stage of mitosis do nucleoli reappear?
Ο Telophase
Ο Anaphase
Ο Early Prophase
Ο Late Prophase
During the telophase, the nuclear membrane appears around the two groups of chromosomes. Thus, two well-defined nucleoli are formed.

5. The number of chromosomes in a human cell is _______.
Ο 2
Ο 4
Ο 23
Ο 46
There are 23 pairs of chromosomes in each human cell.

6. The resting stage of the cell is known as the _______.
Ο interphase
Ο telophase
Ο anaphase
Ο prophase
The period between two cell divisions, i.e., the resting stage of the cell, is known as the interphase.

7. During which stage of mitosis do chromatids separate to form two sets of daughter chromosomes?
Ο Anaphase
Ο Telophase
Ο Prophase
Ο Interphase
During the anaphase, the chromosomes divide at the centromere and start moving towards opposite poles.

8. Genetic information is transferred from parent to daughter cells through the _______.
Ο nucleus
Ο mitochondria
Ο endoplasmic reticulum
Ο centrioles
Genetic information is transferred from parent to daughter cells through the nucleus.

9. Which stage of mitosis is depicted in the diagram below?

Mitosis Stage
Ο Anaphase
Ο Metaphase
Ο Telophase
Ο Prophase
During the anaphase, the chromosomes divide at the centromere and start moving towards opposite poles. Finally, they are arranged at the opposite poles of the spindle.

10. Which stage of mitosis is depicted in the diagram below?

Mitosis Stage
Ο Telophase
Ο Metaphase
Ο Anaphase
Ο Prophase
During the telophase, nuclear membrane appears around the two groups of chromosomes . Thus, two well-defined nuclei are formed. This is followed by the division of the cytoplasm by a constriction ring at the equator (in the animal cell) or by the formation of a cell plate (in the plant cell).

11. Which stage of mitosis is depicted in the diagram below?

Mitosis Stage
Ο Prophase
Ο Anaphase
Ο Metaphase
Ο Telophase
Prophase is the first phase of mitosis. It begins with the division of centriole. Soon after the division, centrioles start moving towards the opposite poles.

12. Which of the following is the longest stage of mitosis?
Ο Prophase
Ο Telophase
Ο Metaphase
Ο Anaphase
The prophase is the longest stage of mitosis.

13. During which stage of mitosis does longitudinal splitting of the chromosomes occur?
Ο Anaphase
Ο Prophase
Ο Telophase
Ο Metaphase
During the anaphase, longitudinal splitting of the chromosomes occurs.

14. The interphase and mitosis together constitute the cell cycle.
Ο True
Ο False
The interphase and mitosis together constitute the cell cycle.

15. The nuclear membrane is formed around the newly-formed sets of daughter chromosomes during the telophase.
Ο True
Ο False
During the telophase, the nuclear membrane appears around the two groups of chromosomes. Thus, two well-defined nuclei are formed. This is followed by the division of the cytoplasm by a constriction ring at the equator (in the animal cell) or by the formation of a cell plate (in the plant cell).

16. During mitosis, loosely arranged strands of chromosomes become coiled, shortened and distinct during the metaphase.
Ο True
Ο False
Loosely arranged strands of chromosomes become coiled, shortened and distinct during the prophase.



1. The purpose of mitosis is to ensure that:
each new cell is genetically different from its parent
each new cell receives the proper number of chromosomes
gametes are available for reproduction
DNA is replicated without errors

2. The image below illustrates what phase of mitosis


3. Which of the following is NOT part of mitosis

4. Which of the following is the term used for the "connector" between two sister chromatids?
spindle fiber

5. A cell that has 20 chromosomes undergoes mitosis. Which of the following is true?
two daughter cells will be created, each have 20 chromosomes
two daughter cells will be created, each have 40 chromosomes
4 daughter cells will be created, each having 10 chromosomes
2 daughter cells will be created, each having 10 chromosomes

6. The spindle fibers form during which phase of mitosis?

7. Compared to the X chromosome, the Y chromosome is:
much larger
much smaller
more twisted
inherited more often

8. Which of the following can be determined from a karyotype?
the sex of the individual
whether the individual has Down Syndrome
The number of chromosomes present
all of these

9. Most cells spend the majority of their time in:

10. Cytokinesis begins during which phase?



# Mitosis is nuclear division that starts with 1 diploid cells and ends with 2 ______________cells.

Your answer:
# Which of these statements best summarizes the cell theory?

Your answer:
Cells contain a nucleus and other parts.
Cells come in different shapes and sizes.
Cells can be seen through a microscope.
Cells are the building blocks of living things.

# The karyotype above shows a person with this condition.

Your answer:
klinefelter's syndrome
fragile X syndrome
# After cell division, a daughter cell will have properties like the parent cell because--

Your answer:
DNA is replicated prior to cell division
enzymes control cell divison
chromosomes change structure when a cell divides
proteins are created when a cell divides

# The cell spends the greatest amount of time in this stage of the cell cycle.

Your answer:
# An advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction is that it allows protection for the offspring. more offspring to be produced. more genetic variation among the offspring. all of the above. none of the above. An advantage over sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction is that it allows--

Your answer:
more genetic variation among the offspring
faster time for reproduction to occur
protection for the offspring
more offspring to be produced

# What phase of meiosis is seen in the picture above?

Your answer:
Prophase I
Anaphase I
Metaphase I
Telophase I
# What type of cells result after meiosis?

Your answer:
2 genetically identical cells
4 genetically identical cells
2 diploids cells
4 genetically different cells

# A human egg/sperm cell is _______________, but when the sperm and egg come together the fertilized egg (potential human) is ________________.

Your answer:
diploid, diploid
haploid, diploid
diploid haploid
haploid, haploid
# Put the following cell cycle stages in the order they occur.

Your answer:
Prophase, Interphase, Telophase, Metaphase, Anaphase
Interphase, Prophase, Anaphase, Metaphase, Telophase
Telophase, Prophase, Anaphase, Metaphase, Interphase
Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase

Tuesday, January 18, 2011 ~ 0 Comments



During meiosis the resulting gametes have _______ the number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

a) double

b) triple
c) half

d) equal

Cytokinesis is the division of

a cell.
a nucleus.
a chromosome.

2. The genetic material in the nucleus is located in the

nuclear membrane.
nuclear sap.

3. Which of the following does mitosis normally accomplish?

Production of two identical daughter cells.
Production of two nuclei with identical genetic content.
Precise division of the cytoplasm and its distribution to two daughter cells.
Reproduction of mitochondria and chloroplasts.
Production of a cancer cell.

4. Where does the duplication of chromosomes occur?


5. In what phase does the movement of individual chromosomes towards opposite poles occur?


6. In what phase does the arrangement of chromosomes along the equator of the cell occur?


7. In what phase does the disappearance of nuclear membrane and nucleoli occur?


8. In what phase does the DNA become visible strands?


9. The two chromatids of a chromosome separate from each other during


10. Meiosis involves _______ division(s) of a nucleus.


11. Which of the following are typical of both mitosis and of the first division of meiosis?

The genetic material in the nucleus is duplicated prior to division.
Spindle fibers form.
Two nuclei form as a result of the division.
All of the above.
None of the above.

12. Which of the following is characteristic of the first division of meiosis but not mitosis?

Chromosomes are duplicated prior to division.
Nuclear membrane and nucleolus disappear in prophase.
Sister chromatids are attached to each other at the centromere.
Homologous chromosomes pair.
none of the above.

13. Which of the following are ways that meiosis differs from mitosis?

In meiosis, the chromosome number is reduced.
In meiosis, the daughter cells are genetically different from the parent cell.
In meiosis, at least some of the daughter cells differ genetically from each other.
All of the above.
None of the above.

14. An advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction is that it allows

protection for the offspring.
more offspring to be produced.
more genetic variation among the offspring.
all of the above.
none of the above.




Cloning is a technique to create offspring with the same genetic code with its parent in certain living creatures in the form of animals, plants, and humans, this can be done by taking the parent's body cell (somatic cell) and subsequently implanted in the mother cell (ovum) women cell nucleus has been removed by a method similar to the process of fertilization or artificial insemination. With that senacam method, human cloning carried out by taking a cell nucleus from a woman, and with special chemical liquid core and an electric shock combined with the egg cell, after this merger happens it will be transferred into the uterus of a woman, in order to multiply, grow, differentiate and turned into a fetus is perfect. After that the resulting offspring can be born naturally are genetically coded the same as its parent.

Cloning embryos occurs in embryonic cells derived from uterine wife formed from a meeting between her husband's sperm and an egg cell that has eliminated his core. Furthermore, embryonic cells can be implanted in the womb of foreign women. This form of cloning is haraam because this is happening confusion and omission nasab (katurunan line). But if embryonic cells were implanted in the uterus of women owners then cloned like this the law permissible.

Human cloning could take place in the presence of men and women and the process by taking a cell from the male body and cell nucleus was taken and then combined with the female egg cell that has been disposed essentially Facebook to multiply, grow, berduferensiasi later developed into a fetus and eventually born. Klonin performed on men and women both aimed to improve the quality of offspring by producing offspring that are smarter, healthier, stronger, and personable as well as to increase the number pemduduk then it would be a disaster for the world and source of damage. Cloning is haraam according to Islamic law and should not be done. Human cloning would eliminate the lineage, while Islam requires maintaining nasab, narrated from Ibn Abbas RA, who said that the Prophet has said:
من انتسب الى غير ابيه, او تولى غير مواليه, فعليه لعنة الله والملائكة والناس أجمعين

"Anyone who connects nkepada people who are not his father, or a slave-man's land to other than his master, then it will get a curse from God, the angels, and all mankind. "(Narrated by Ibn Majah)

Organ Transplant

The meaning of organ transplantation is the removal of organs from one human to another human being, such as heart, kidney, removal of a person's hand when he was alive or after death.

Organ transplant law is as follows:

Transplantation of organs from a living donor

Personality 'lets someone at the time of his life voluntarily tanpaadanya force anyone to donate a body organ or more to others who need an organ was donated, such as the hands or kidney. This provision is due to the right for someone whose hands were cut off, or tercongkel his eyes at the actions of others to take diyat (ransom), or to forgive others who had cut his hand or prying eyes. In this case, Allah SWT has allowed forgiveness in qishash problems and various diyat. Allah says:

فمن عفي له من اخيه شيئ فاتباع بالمعروف واداء اليه بإحسان ذلك تخفيف من ربكم ورحمة

"Whoever shall get a forgiveness from his brother, let (which given the apology) to pay (diyat) to apologize in a way that gives good also. That is a relief from your Lord and a mercy. "(Surat al-Baqara: 178)

Terms of kemubahan organs when a person is still alive, is that the donated organ is not a vital organ that determines the survival of the contributor, such as heart, liver, and both lungs. This dikarrenakan organ donors would result in the death of the contributor, which means that had killed herself. Though one is not allowed to kill himself or ask voluntarily for someone else to kill himself. Allah says:

ولا تقتلوا انفسكم

"And do not you kill yourselves." (Surah An Nisa: 29)

ولا تقتلوا النفس التى حرم الله الا بالحق

"... And you do not kill the soul which Allah forbidden (to kill) but with a cause that's right." (Surat al-An aam: 151)

Similarly, men are not allowed to donate two testes (testicles), although this does not cause death because Allah has banned castration / cuts testis (al khisha ') that would cause sterility. Imam Bukhari narrated from Abdullah ibn Mas'ud Ra, he said:

كنا نغزوا مع النبي ليس لنا نساء, فقلنا: يارسول الله ألا نستخصي? فنهانا عن ذلك.

"We had once fought alongside the Prophet while we were gone on wives. Our thanks to: "O Messenger Could we do the castration?" And he forbade us to do, "

Legal transplants from people who have died

Someone who is dead is not allowed to donate or bequeath their organs to donate. Because a doctor is not entitled to utilize one of the organs of someone who has passed away to be transplanted to people in need. The law of honor bodies and persecution against him, then Allah has determined that the body has the honor that must be maintained as the living. And God forbid a violation of honor violations as violations of honor dead people hidup.Diriwayatkan of Umm A'isha Mu'minin RA that Rasulullah SAW said:

كسر عظم الميت ككسره حيا

"Solving the dead bone is tantamount to breaking the bones of the living" (Narrated by Ahmad, Abu Dawud, and Ibn Hibbaan)

Action prying eyes of the corpse or dissect the stomach to take heart or kidney or heart to be transplanted to others who need to be considered as mutilate the corpse. Though Islam has prohibited this action. Imam Bukhari has narrated from Abdullah bin Zaid Al-Anshasi RA, he said:

نهى رسول الله عن النهبي والمثلة

"Prophet Muhammad has forbidden (to take) the treasure from the plunder and mutilate (the body of the enemy)." (Bukhari)


Abortion / Abortion (al-ijhad) is one of the Western World community problems arising from moral depravity, the number of births due to illegal fornication countless more as well as promiscuity membudayanya dilluar nikah.Banyaknya illegal birth makes nearly half the children in the West be a natural child has prompted many western countries to establish laws that allow a woman who wanted to terminate her pregnancy, especially if terjai because of adultery or promiscuity outside of marriage to abortion. This is because in the Western World the mother who assume responsibility for the education of children who were born because of adultery and promiscuity outside of marriage. Thus the reality of contemporary society the Western World. The reality in the Muslim world, then abortion can be said is still a bit going on, because at least adultery and promiscuity outside of marriage. If there is abortion, then it is usually done as a lifesaving therapy for the mother.

Al-ijhad (abortion) in Arabic means abortion fetus from the uterus. Abortion can occur deliberately (abortus provocatus) due to a certain effort on the part of women by taking certain drugs, or by carrying a heavy load or to make certain movements that rough. Included here is also a woman requests abortion due to a doctor for the abortion. In addition to deliberate, there also happens without deliberate abortion (spontaneus abortion).

Abortions whose age has not reached 40 days, then the law allowed but not required and it does not matter what caused that there is not yet a fetus in the womb because it is still in the stages of germ (blood clot).

When is allowed to perform abortions?

Abortion can be performed both at the stage of creation the fetus, or after blowing the spirit of him. If a trusted doctor determined that the existence of the fetus in the belly of the mother would endanger the safety of mothers and even cause death of the mother and the fetus while it is in this condition is allowed to perform abortions and maternal mental life rescue efforts.


Imlash is abortion with the abuse of women, these acts are sinful and criminal acts. In this case the culprit should pay diyat form of a slave male or female and the value of one tenth of the human diyat perfect. In Shahihain there is information that Umar ibn Khatab RA never asked for opinions to the friends about the case of a woman who killed her womb being hit. Then Mugheerah RA ever decide issues like this by requiring diyat one ghurrah, that alone slave male or female, "Muhammad bin Maslamah memeberikan Mugheerah testimony to the preaching of the" (Muttafaq 'alaih).

Tube Babies

The process of fertilization with IVF method of sperm cells with egg cells husband and wife, actually is a medical efforts to enable the arrival of the husband's sperm cell into an egg cell's wife. Akn sperm fertilize the egg cell is not a natural place, the fertilized egg cell is then placed on the wife's womb with a particular method sehinnga pregnancy will occur naturally in it.

Basically the conception that occurs naturally in the womb by natural way also (sexual relations), in accordance with nature that have been set by God for man. However, that natural conception is sometimes difficult to materialize, for example due to the destruction or closing of channels ovarian (fallopian tubes) that carry the egg to the uterus, and can not be overcome by open or treat it. Or because the husband's sperm cells is weak or not able to reach the uterus wife to meet with the egg cell, and can not be overcome by strengthening the sperm cells, sperm cells aatu arriving to seek his wife's womb to meet with the egg there. All this will negate the birth and inhibit conjugal reproduce children. In fact Islam has been advocated and encouraged it and the Muslims had been disunnahkan melakukannya.Kesulitan these could be solved with a medical efforts for fertilization between sperm cells with egg cells can occur outside the natural place. After the husband's sperm cell to fertilize an egg until and wife in a container that mampunyai natural condition of the uterus, uterine wife. Thus natural pregnancies expected to occur and then the baby will be born normally. Such a process is a medical uapaya to overcome existing difficulties, and permissible (ja'iz) according to Islamic rules', because this effort is an attempt to realize what disunnahkan by Islam, namely the birth and berbanyak child, which is one of the basic objectives of a marriage. It was narrated from Anas RA that the Prophet SAW had said:

تزوجوا الودود الولود, فاني مكاثر بكم الأنبياء يوم القيامة

"Marry you with women who are loving and fertile, because actually I was I would be proud before the prophet with a large number of you on the Day of Resurrection." (Narrated by Ahmad)

Basically, the effort to pursue the unnatural conception should not be taken, except after no longer possible to pursue the occurrence of natural conception in the womb of the wife, the husband's sperm cells with egg cells isterinnya. In the process of artificial insemination in the cup to give birth, the implied sperm cells must belong to the husband and the egg cell must belong to the wife. And the egg cell that has been fertilized by the wife the husband's sperm cells in the cup, must be placed on the wife's womb. Haraam if the egg has been fertilized, the wife who placed in the womb of woman not his wife or what is commonly referred to as a mother substitute (surrogate mother). So also is unlawful if the process of artificial insemination took place between the husband's sperm cells with egg cells rather than wives, although the fertilized egg cell will be placed in the womb of the wife, as well as unlawful if fertilization between the sperm cells are not husband and an egg cell wife although later placed in the wife's womb. Of the three forms of the above process is not justified under Islamic law, because it would cause confusion and disappearances nasab, which has been forbidden in Islam. It was narrated from Abu Hurairah RA that he had heard the Messenger of Allah SAW said when it comes down verse li'an:

أيماامرأة أدخلت على قوم نسبا ليس منهم فليست من الله في شيئ, ولن يدخلها الله الجنة, وأيمارجل حجد ولده وهو ينظر اليه احتجب الله منه وفضحه على رؤوس الأولين والآخرين.

"Who are the women who have entered to a people nasab are not from among the people, then he will not get anything from God and God will never put it into heaven. And anyone who denies man his own son when she saw (the resemblance) it, then God will be closed from him and God will reveal his actions were in ahadapan people earlier and later (on the Day of Judgement) (Narrated by Ibn Majah)

diambil dari :


Reproduction and its Hormonal Control

Different mammals have different patterns of reproduction
mammals, rats and mice can breed all year round, whereas others have distinct breeding seasons. This is to ensure that the young are born when food is abundant. The timing of the breeding season is regulated by a biological clock, which is probably adjusted by seasonal changes in day length.
In mammals the gametes (sex cells) are:
• small motile male gametes (sperm) whish is produced in large quantities
• larger, non-motile food storing female gamete (ovum) which is produced in much smaller numbers
Gametogenesis is the formation of gametes
• sperm production is called spermatogenesis
• where the eggs are formed (matured) is called oogenesis
In the females of all mammals, there is a cycle known as:
• Oestrous cycle 􀃆 ovulation, when the female is most fertile
• Menstruation cycle 􀃆 the uterus lining in all mammals undergoes a similar pattern of thickening during a reproductive cycle. However if fertilisation does not occur, the uterine lining of primates breaks down and it is discharged with blood through the vagina, whereas the uterine lining of non-menstruating mammals is reabsorbed and there is no excessive bleeding. The discharge of blood is called menstruation.

Hormonal Control of the Female Menstrual Cycle
• Lasts approximately 28 days in Humans.
• It is controlled by the interaction of several hormones. The action of one hormone is used to stimulate or inhibit the production of another. Hormones are chemical messengers, produced and secreted by organs, which travel via the blood, and exerts some influence upon a target tissue.
• Events are divided into three phases: follicular phase, ovulatory phase, and the leutal phase
o The follicular phase is the first part of the menstrual cycle, where one or more follicles start to develop into a mature female gamete. The follicle cells surround the oocyte (developing egg cell), and produce hormones that trigger other responses
o The Ovulatory phase is when the oocyte is released (follicle cells remain in the ovary) from the ovary and passes down the fallopian tube and towards the uterus
o The Luteal phase most of the follicle cells remain in the ovary after ovulation. They continue to develop and form a structure called the corpus luteum, as a result more hormones are produced
The ovaries are organs that are responsible for the development of female gametes. At birth around 400 000 cells have reached prophase of the first meiotic division and are called primary oocytes (often called follicles). Each month after puberty, one of these cells completes its development into an ovum.



1. Why do fish and frog eggs produce a huge number of eggs each year?
A. A lot of fish and frogs are needed to feed the predators
B. We need more fish and frogs
C. So that some get fertilised and survive to adulthood
D. Fish and frogs like to have big families
C. So that some get fertilised and survive to adulthood
2. Which of these animals reproduce by external fertilisation?
A. Camels
B. Cod
C. Bats
D. Parrots
B. Cod
3. What part of the female reproductive system produces the eggs (ova)?
A. Oviducts
B. Uterus
C. Ovary
D. Vagina
C. Ovary
4. When a sperm is deposited into the vagina which route does it travel?
A. Vagina􀃆 Ovary􀃆 Uterus􀃆 Oviduct
B. Vagina􀃆 Cervix􀃆 Uterus􀃆 Oviduct
C. Vagina􀃆 Uterus􀃆 Cervix􀃆 Oviduct
D. Vagina 􀃆 Oviduct 􀃆 Uterus􀃆 Cervix
B. Vagina􀃆 Cervix􀃆 Uterus􀃆 Oviduct
5. What term do we use to describe a sperm cell fusing with an egg cell?
A. Combination
B. Reproduction
C. Fertilisation
D. Intercourse

6. Which part of the male reproductive system produces the sperm cells?
A. Testes
B. Penis
C. Scrotum
D. Sperm duct
E. Testes
7. How are sperm cells adapted for their function?
A. Not having a nucleus to save energy
B. Having sharp teeth to cut into the egg cell
C. Being streamlined to be able to swim faster
D. None of the above
C. Being streamlined to be able to swim faster
8. How does the sperm break through the egg cell membrane?
A. Tears a hole in the membrane
B. Dissolves the membrane with chemicals
C. Bites through the membrane with teeth
D. Squeezes through gaps in the membrane
B. Dissolves the membrane with chemicals
9. Why are egg cells larger than sperm cells?
A. Egg cells have more cells in them
B. Egg cells have a food store to help growth after fertilisation
C. Egg cells have thicker cell membranes
D. Egg cells have larger nuclei
B. Egg cells have a food store to help growth after fertilisation
10. The menstrual cycle prepares the uterus for a fertilised egg. How long is an
average menstrual cycle from start to finish?
A. 20 days
B. 2 weeks
C. 28 days
D. 7 days
C. 28 days

11. What happens to the wall of the uterus during menstruation?
A. It grows and becomes thicker, ready to receive the fertilised egg
B. It is absorbed back into the body
C. It gets thinner and thinner
D. It breaks away and leaves the body through the vagina
D. It breaks away and leaves the body through the vagina
12. At what point in the menstrual cycle is fertilisation most likely?
A. During menstruation
B. Between 12 and 16 days
C. After 20 days
D. Between 25 and 28 days
B. Between 12 and 16 days
13. When the foetus is growing inside the uterus it needs nutrients. What provides
these nutrients?
A. Placenta
B. Amniotic sac
C. Uterus
D. Oviduct
A. Placenta
14. What does the mother’s blood take away from the baby and into the placenta?
A. Oxygen
B. Water
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Food
C. Carbon dioxide
15. What is the job of the amniotic sac?
A. It supports the foetus and protects it from shocks
B. It gives the foetus room to grow and move
C. It provides water for the foetus to drink
D. It stops the baby from drying out
A. It supports the foetus and protects it from shocks

16. Why is vaccination against Rubella important for women?
A. Rubella is dangerous to women
B. Rubella can cause women to become infertile
C. Rubella can cause damage to a growing foetus
D. Rubella will stop a woman from menstruating
C. Rubella can cause damage to a growing foetus
17. Which of these things will affect the way a foetus grows?
A. Chemicals in cigarette smoke
B. Alcohol
C. Drugs
D. All of the above
D. All of the above
18. Why is breast milk important to a newly born baby?
A. It is the right temperature for the baby
B. It is made by its own mother so it is matched to its needs
C. It contains antibodies that protect against common microorganisms
D. It tastes better than bottle milk
C. It contains antibodies that protect against common microorganisms
19. All babies grow rapidly during the first few months. Which of the following is a
factor affecting this difference in growth rate?
A. How well nourished the baby is
B. How big the parents of the baby are
C. Neither A or B
D. Both of A and B
D Both A and B
20. Which of the following is the correct description of the human life cycle?
A. Babyhood, childhood, adolescence, adulthood
B. Childhood, babyhood, adulthood, adolescence
C. Adolescence, babyhood, adulthood, childhood,
D. None of these
A. Babyhood, childhood, adolescence, adulthood